New website launched!

The Georgia Region E Healthcare Coalition, which coordinates regional planning efforts among a 12-county region that includes Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Franklin, Greene, Jackson, Hart, Madison, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, and Walton Counties, is proud to announce the launch of our new website.

The site features information about us, a variety of public resources, access to announcements and upcoming events, ways to get involved, member registration, and a special password protected member’s only area that houses key member resources. As you navigate our site, please let us know if there are any ways that we can improve it by sending a message through the contact form at the bottom of every page.

Why become a member?

When a disaster hits a community or region, healthcare systems will be impacted and may need to respond. When healthcare systems already have relationships, it is easier to work together to efficiently respond to the disaster. Coordinated regional planning will create a more prepared and resilient healthcare system. As a member, your agency will:

Build ties with healthcare organizations, emergency management agencies, & community partners.

Work together in the planning process to address regional preparedness gaps.

Gain access to training, exercises, and regional assets provided by Region E.

Join the Region E Healthcare Coalition!